Project 72056: ADAPTAR 2020

Global Investment: 26.150,00 euros
Eligible Investment: 26.150,00 euros
Incentive Rate: 50,00%on eligible expenditure
Non-Refundable Incentive: 13.075,00 euros
Investment Period: 2020-07-01 a 2020-12-31

Investment Location: NUT II Norte Region (Portugal)

Investment actions present in the project:

  • Acquisition and installation of cleaning and automatic dispensing equipment disinfectants;
  • Acquisition and installation of other control and physical distancing devices;
  • Acquisition and placement of information and guidance to employees and the public;
  • Reorganization and adaptation of workplaces and/or layout changes, which implement the guidelines and best practices of the competent authorities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Description and objectives:

Graphicsleader, in the context of this project, is adapting the working conditions on the Covid-19 pandemic.

Project 25797: Internationalization Strategy 2016-2019

Project Code: POCI-02-0752-FEDER-025797  POCI-03-3560-FSE-025797

Global Investment: 276.173,50 euros
Eligible Investment: 253.793,50 euros
Incentive Rate: 45,00% on eligible expenditure
Non-Refundable Incentive: 114.207,08 euros
Approval Date: 2018-03-06
Investment Period: 2016-11-01 a 2019-04-30

Investment Location: NUT II Norte Region (Portugal)

Investment actions present in the project:

  • International brand development and promotion (Promotion actions);
  • Prospecting and presence in international markets (Prospecting and attracting new customers);
  • International marketing.

Description and objectives:

Graphicsleader, in the context of this project, is implementing an international promotion strategy, in order to increase its presence in high potential foreign markets, thus seeking to strengthen its positioning as a reference player in the market globally.

Project photo gallery:

Projeto 43152: Implementation of the concept Indústria 4.0 

Project code:  POCI-02-0853-FEDER-043152

Main objective: Strengthen Competitiveness
Region of intervention: North
Approval date: 2019-05-2021
Start Date: 2018-09-03
Date of the conclusion: 2021-09-02
Total eligible cost: 11 282 500,00 €
European Union financial support: 2 523 937,50 €

Project description:

The objective of this project is to maximise productivity through the acquisition of a new production line (small series), by introducing radical innovation in the existing lines, by implementing the Indústria 4.0 concept through automation and through error detection, and to increase exports to new markets.


  1. Reinforcement of the ability to respond to customer requests, in terms of production capacity for the required quantities, through a shorter time response (no delays), and an undeniable quality of the final products, by introducing policies and activities within the “Indústria 4.0” concept
  2. Reinforcement of the positioning in international markets, by gaining new clients, both on the current markets it is already positioned in, and in new geographies
  3. Qualification of the Company in immaterial domains, namely organisational and management skills, competitiveness and responsiveness in the global market
  4. Providing better products and services that maximise brand loyalty, clients satisfaction and that strengthen the culture business 
  5. Investing in R&D with the goal of learning new technical and technological knowledge, that foster the creation and development of new and innovative products/solutions with added value to both the company and the customer.